How to Craft the Perfect Markup Strategy for Items Under $100

How to Craft the Perfect Markup Strategy for Items Under $100

When pricing products under $100, striking the right balance between profitability and customer satisfaction can be tricky. Pricing too high could drive customers away, while too low a markup might erode your margins. In this post, we’ll explore the best strategies to set the right markup for items in this price range.

Understand Your Costs

Before determining your markup, calculate your cost of goods sold (COGS). This includes all costs associated with producing or acquiring the product, such as raw materials, labor, shipping, and packaging. Knowing your costs ensures that your pricing will cover expenses and leave room for profit.

Choose the Right Markup Strategy

Different products and markets call for different approaches. For items under $100, common strategies include:

  • Cost-Plus Pricing:

    A simple approach where you add a percentage to your cost. For example, a 50-100% markup is typical for lower-cost items, ensuring profitability.

  • Competitor-Based Pricing:

    Researching competitor prices can guide your pricing decisions, ensuring you stay competitive in the market.

  • Value-Based Pricing:

    Pricing based on the product’s perceived value to the customer can allow for higher markups if your product offers unique benefits or features.

The Power of Psychological Pricing

Don’t underestimate the importance of psychological pricing. Prices ending in $0.99 or $0.95 are proven to appeal more to customers. For example, pricing an item at $99.99 instead of $100 can make it feel like a significantly better deal, even though the actual difference is minimal.

Create Value with Bundling

For products priced close to $100, bundling them with complementary items is an excellent way to increase perceived value. Offering a bundle at $99 instead of $90 can create the sense that customers are getting more for their money, increasing your overall sales.

Test and Adjust Your Prices

Markets change, and so do customer preferences. Don’t be afraid to test different pricing models and adjust based on customer response. Offering limited-time discounts or experimenting with bundles can help you find the sweet spot for your products.


For items under $100, the right pricing strategy can make a significant impact on your sales and profitability. Whether you’re using cost-plus, competitor-based, or value-based pricing, combining these strategies with psychological pricing and bundling can help you maximize your revenue. Always keep an eye on your costs and competition, and don’t hesitate to adjust as needed to stay competitive in the market.